
For decades now, the media has been warning us about ‘global warming’.  Recently, the message has been getting louder, and we are led to believe that the science is settled. There is certainly little tolerance for any dissenting voice.

But did you know that there are many dissenting voices from some of the world’s leading experts in this field?  Probably not, as these voices are never heard on mainstream media. Some of these voices have shown us data that proves that there has been no increase in temperatures over the last decade.  

Perhaps that is the reason for the recent shift from the ‘global warming’ message, to a ‘reduce carbon’ message.  But leading experts are also telling us that the earth’s carbon levels are much lower today than in recent centuries; the contribution of humans to carbon levels is so small as to be insignificant; and that even if our carbon levels were higher, the world’s crops and plants would thrive on more carbon.  These same experts tell us that our crops and plants will actually be starved if we reduce our carbon levels.

The government policies aimed at decreasing carbon; policies which are largely driven by corporate interests and global powers, have resulted in energy shortages so severe, that in parts of Europe, many people are expected to die from the cold in coming winters.  And the push for renewable energy sounds great in theory, but did you know that in order to increase renewable energies, it will be necessary to significantly increase mining of minerals used in the production of batteries and solar panels?  And wind power has already been proven not to be reliable, requires clearing of vegetation, expels poisonous chemicals into the air and land, and kills a large number of birds each year. None of these effects are good for the environment or the people of the world.

Did you also know that over the last couple of years, whilst much of the world has been in lockdown, there have been huge protests in many parts of the world by farmers and citizens trying to save our food supply?  This is because government policies have led them to introduce laws and regulations that force farmers to destroy crops and livestock, in order to reduce nitrogen and carbon levels.  But these farmers provide our food, so without them, we will have food shortages.  To any reasonable person this makes no sense.  And why haven’t you seen these massive, global protests reported in the news?  Why are we relying on billionaires, government bureaucrats, and global corporations for information on food supply, instead of our farmers?

The global interests who are calling for the reduction in farming, have told us not to worry, as we can eat fake meat and products made from bugs, such as crickets and other insects.  They seem to think that they are the ones who should be controlling our food chain and food supply.  But we think the farmers, most of whom have generations of hands on experience and expert knowledge about looking after their land and water, are best placed to use sustainable farming practices to protect the environment, and provide us with healthy, nutritious food, which is essential for our survival.

Mmmmm…none of these government policies which are having such devastating impacts on humanity, make much sense, so we seek on this website to help you get to the truth by providing you with information that the mainstream media (who are funded by the large companies who profit from many of these environmental policies), will not report.

After looking at this information, and doing your own research, you can decide for yourself just how much ‘consensus amongst scientists” there really is, on these environmental issues, and whether ‘reducing carbon levels’ and destroying farmer’s crops and livestock, really are good policies for the people, plants and animals on earth.  We encourage you to follow the money to see what is really going on, and look to those who are being silenced, from where you are more likely to find the truth.


Greenpeace co-founder's view on Climate Change.

Please find links below to videos and articles by some of the experts who have bravely spoken out with a different opinion on the truth behind global warming and other important environmental issues.

Global Warming and Net Zero Carbon

Energy Supply

Farming and Food Production

WEF Plans impacting Food and Energy

Our Water & Other Environmental Topics

Climate Change & Net Zero Carbon
For decades, Governments and mainstream media channels around the world, have been making alarming predictions about catasrophic weather events and climate change which they say is caused by mankind.  But for those who care to look into these predictions and what subsequently eventuates, you will see that none of these predictions have ever held up.

Please see the video below on 32 predictions proven false.

Please also click on the following article to see 10 such predictions that the world was going to end by now.  Clearly the world has not ended, so all of these 10 alarmist predictions were grossly inaccurate!

Fox News:10 Times Experts Predicted The World Would End By Now

For those old enough to remember, one of these predictions was by former US Vice President Al Gore.  In 2006, while promoting his movie “An Inconvenient Truth”, Al Gore said that humanity had only 10 years left before the world would reach a point of no return.  Gore’s movie also featured animations of water inundating Manhattan and Florida.

Yet Gore’s critics point out that just a few years later, he bought an $8 million beach-front property near Los Angeles.

“I wish the climate catastrophists practiced what they preached and sold me their beachfront property at a steep discount,” Alex Epstein, author of “The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels” told Fox News

Considering the poor track record of all of the global alarmists, we highly recommend researching articles and information provided by those scientists and experts who do not agree with Government and mainstream news narratives. 

You may be surprised to find that there is no concensus among scientists on climate issues, it is just that you don't hear from those who don't agree with the official narrative, because they are mostly 'silenced' or cancelled' from mainstream media, just as so many doctors and experts were silenced around the issue of Covid vaccines and pandemic response measures.

You should also consider that many people are happy to go along with the 'official narrative', because as mentioned in the video at the link above, "when you are doing something under the guise of protecting mother earth or the planet, or for the children....you are given a really wide berth'. So it is much easier to obtain funding for research or other business ventures, if you can demonstrate alignment with these official narratives.

You will find with just a little research, that those who have a different opinion are quickly 'defunded' by those in power who hold the purse strings.  This is why, as pointed out also in the video at the link above, that the climate agenda is also 'taking over the healthcare industry, and taking over basically all employment'. Most, if not all large corporations today, have ESG (Environment, Social & Governance) policies that are in lockstep with the net zero carbon agenda.  There is no doubt that the move to 'green energy' is a mulit billion dollar industry, with many powerful interested parties who profit from it.

But sadly, this agenda is also having signficant negative impacts on many people, businesses and economies around the world.

Among other impacts, it is putting out of work milllions of people who are working in the energy industry.  It is also predicted to cause the deaths of many people who can no longer afford heating due to rising energy costs as a result of the move away from fossil fuels and coal fired plants.

Please see the video under the heading of "Energy Supply" below for an overview of the true impact globally of companies adopting ESG policies and governments shutting down coal and nuclear power stations to meet 'net zero' targets. 

Also review the topics and information provided on this website, and do your own further research, before making your mind up about the truth behind Climate change and the move to net zero Carbon.  You will likely be shocked by the true scientific data.  Your research may also leave you questioning, what is the real agenda here and who benefits? 

You may also be enlightened by the video below on the influence of the 'woke' crowd in pushing the climate change narrative, to convince the people of the western world in particular, that it is their moral obligation to support these initiatives.  

Inconvenient Truth: 32 Climate Predictions Proven False

Woke Culture Has Gone Too Far

Topic: Global Temperature data from Leading Climate Scientist

Dr Roy Spencer, formerly a senior scientist for climate studies at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Centre, told Sky News Australia that his global temperature dataset which he started with John Christy in 1979, is unlike any other dataset, because it contains data measured from satellites and “covers the whole Earth”.

In the video at the link below Dr Spencer states that “if we do an apples-to-apples comparison between the satellite measurements and what over two dozen climate models have predicted since 1979, for that same layer (troposphere), our measurements, are actually at the bottom end of all those models,” he said.

“In other words, the warming we see is lower than most, if not all, of those models. So there is a discrepancy between what the observations are showing, which shows about an average of 0.13 degrees Celsius per decade warming, which is a very small number compared to the climate models which are generally twice that at least.”

Whilst this would likely be considered 'good news' by most, Dr Spencer goes on to explain that Google has now de-monetised his website where he shares his data with the public.

Dr Spencer said Google was "not specific about what claims" led to the decision. “What their website (google) tells me is that all of my whole website basically is unreliable and harmful claims,” he said. “If people like myself don’t buy into the narrative that global warming is not only occurring, but it’s going on at a catastrophic rate and we have to do something about it, if you don’t go along with that narrative, you get thrown under the bus.

You may not be aware that Dr Spencer is just one of many climate scientists globally who do not fully align with the 'global warming crisis' that the self elected World Economic Forum (WEF), our governments, and the media, keep warning us about.  These scientists are generally being 'silenced' by the media or big tech in one way or another. 

It is important to ask why the media and big tech go to such lengths to control or limit the information that we are permitted to see.

You may wish to do your own further research on other scientists who have different data and opinions on the global climate change narrative, as the catastrophic predictions being pushed by the mainstream media, underpin many government policies including policies around energy and food security

The impacts of some of these policies are already having catastrophic impacts on mankind today, in the name of saving us from predicted crises in the future, based on unproven data models

Would you agree that the best way to get to the truth is to allow all scientists and experts to speak freely and be heard, so that healthy scientific debate can allow us to determine the best policies for both the present and the future?  Or are you comfortable that the global elites, big tech and the media are the ones who decide what information you get to see or hear?


  1. Feb 2022: Dr Roy Spencer on Monitoring Global Temperature Data since 1979

Energy Supply
As reported in the video below "energy around the world has done more for human flourishing than any other sector.  If you take away a country's ability to produce coal, natural gas and oil, it's a really big misnomer to think that we can get to this fantasy world of net zero and still have humans flourishing and modern technologies".

You can see a recent example from Sri Lanka, of the devastation that disrupting the energy supply can have on the people of a nation.

Those who blindly follow the mainstream narrative around energy supply, simply don't understand how dependent every aspect of their life is on affordable, reliable energy supply.  Even simply from the time you wake up in the morning until you get to the office, just in that 1 and a half hours, they don't realise just how many petrochemical products are involved in their life.

And as also reported in the video below, whilst the western world is focussed on net zero, China is the biggest polluter in the world, with 5 times the number of coal plants as America.  And China is planning in the future to build more coal plants than there are currently in the world.

In the video, according to Jordon Peterson, "The Biden administration itself has already admitted that it will be 240 years with optimistic projections, before we can even approximate anything like net zero.  So all of this is just a complete lie!" 

To provide further insight into the reality of trying to move countries to 'green energy' or 'renewable energy' in such short timeframes, whist simultaneously shutting down our existing energy sources, please see the topics below, as well as information in other sections of this website.   We provide just a small selection of articles and videos to help you understand the true impacts of moving to this technology, so that you can decide for yourself whether this significant disruption to our energy supply makes any sense.

As with many other global narratives currently being pushed by the global elites and their corporations, you may also wish to question the true motives behind such an impossible agenda, that cannot realistically be achieved, even with the most optimistic projections.
Topic: Wind Turbines & Solar Panels

To make wind and solar generators, we actually use more energy to make them, than they will ever produce in their working life.  And we emit more carbon dioxide in making them and maintaining them, than they will ever remit

To make it worse, we destroy about 25 hectares for each turbine, we ‘slice and dicebirds and bats, and 40% of the epoxy used in the laminated blades, is made from a toxic chemical that is banned in many countries in the world, and we cannot recycle the blades.

Please watch the short video below for more facts and decide whether you think wind and solar energy solutions are the right policies for the world’s future energy supply.

Also see the video below from an Australian Ex Government employee who blows the whistle on a purported renewable energy scam in relation to Wind Turbines.

And also consider, why the media is not investigating and reporting important information, about the true costs of renewable energy, which are having such an enormous impact on our lives and the environment.

Bisphenol A in Wind Turbines is Extraordinarily Toxic for Environment

Aug 23 - Australian Ex Govt Employee Whistleblower on Renewable Energy Scam (Wind Turbines)

Farming and Food Production
If you have already read other pages and topics on this website, you will understand by now, that over recent years, many governments have introduced many policies moving us in the direction of a 'New World Order', where the rights, cultures, customs and practices of sovereign nations are being over-ridden and replaced to align to a 'globalist' agenda. This sections seeks to introduce you to how these globalist policies are impacting our farming and food supply.

Underpinning the proposed changes to our food supply is the 'climate change' agenda.  Basically in the name of saving the planet, the globalists are telling our government leaders that we must shut down farms, kill herds of animals, and start getting used to eating 'fake meat' and other products produced in factories from bugs, processed ingredients and chemicals.  This food will replace much of the fresh fruit, vegetables and animal protein products that provide most of our nutriton today.

Please see below a selection of topics on farming and food supply, for your consideration.  Do you know what policy changes have been made in your country that impact your food supply?  Are you familiar with issues facing your farmers caused by government regulation and interference?  If not, it might be time to start finding out.  In much of the western world, very few people come into direct contact with the farmers who grow their food.  But these largely anonymous, hardworking heroes, feed a world of people.  We must support and protect them,  because as the Dutch farmers reminded us during their protests "No Farmers, No Food".
Topic: Bill Gates Private Agricultural Land ownership

Did you know that Bill Gates is the biggest private farmland owner in the US and that he also owns large amounts of farmland in many other countries as well; land which he is taking out of food production?  It seems his plan is to reduce meat production and replace it with fake meat products, products in which he has also invested.

Bill Gates has also famously admitted that his investment in vaccines has been one of his most successful investments due to high profits.  

Is anyone concerned that one man has so much control over the food we eat and the drugs we are being coerced to take through government mandates?

Well many people and organizations are very concerned about the power and control that he has over these industries.  In fact, in November 2022, fifty organizations from around the world who are dedicated to food sovereignty and food justice issues, signed an open letter calling out Bill Gates over his latest claim that technology is the solution to world hunger and food sovereignty.  These organizations are also asking the media to do a better job of covering the issue.

Please see a report from the Children's Health Defense News under supporting evidence below, on this Open Letter, as well as a link to the letter itself.

The CHD article states:

"Fifty organizations dedicated to food sovereignty and food justice issues are calling out Bill Gates over his latest claim that technology is the solution to world hunger and food sovereignty.

In an “open letter” published earlier this month, the groups addressed comments Gates made, during interviews with The New York Times and The Associated Press, about The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 2022 Report.

The letter’s lead authors, Community Alliance for Global Justice/AGRA Watch and the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa, wrote:

“In both articles, you make a number of claims that are inaccurate and need to be challenged. Both pieces admit that the world currently produces enough food to adequately feed all the earth’s inhabitants, yet you continue to fundamentally misdiagnose the problem as relating to low productivity; we do not need to increase production as much as to assure more equitable access to food.”

The authors also criticized Gates’ claims that we’ve “underinvested in agricultural innovation” and that the Green Revolution was “one of the greatest things that ever happened.”..............

But the authors of the open letter disagreed:

“There are already many tangible, ongoing proposals and projects that work to boost productivity and food security –– from biofertilizer and biopesticide manufacturing facilities, to agroecological farmer training programs, to experimentation with new water and soil management techniqueslow-input farming systems, and pest-deterring plant species.”

They also disagreed with Gates’ claim that the Green Revolution was a “resounding success”:

“.....the Green Revolution......did very little to reduce the number of hungry people in the world or to ensure equitable and sufficient access to food.”

The authors reminded Gates that with the Green Revolution came “a host of other problems, from ecological issues like long-term soil degradation to socio-economic ones like increased inequality and indebtedness (which has been a major contributor to the epidemic of farmer suicides in India).”

They also criticized Gates’ push for genetically modified seeds, stating that “climate-resilient seeds are already in existence and being developed by farmers and traded through informal seed markets.”

“You are part of creating the very problem you name,” the groups wrote. “The AGRA (Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa) initiative, which your foundation continues to fund, has also pushed restrictive seed legislation that limits and restricts crop innovation to well-resourced labs and companies.”

These initiatives don’t increase widespread innovation, but rather contribute to the privatization and consolidation of corporate monopolies over seed development and seed markets, they said.

The groups challenged Gates to “step back and learn from those on the ground,” and called on the media to consider how they cover Gates and his vision for the future of food.

They wrote, “we invite high profile news outlets to be more cautious about lending credibility to one wealthy white man’s flawed assumptions, hubris, and ignorance, at the expense of people and communities who are living and adapting to these realities as we speak.”

The Article then went on to reference comments made by Russell Brand, who has the support of over 6 million social media followers.

"Russell Brand sided against Gates and with the authors of the letter, telling viewers:

“It’s a beautiful letter. It’s brilliantly articulate and the reason we want to present it to you today is because it demonstrates that criticizing Bill Gates doesn’t make you a conspiracy theorist and it demonstrates too that Bill Gates’ actions and influence are nefarious and harmful.”

Brand mocked Gates, splicing his YouTube podcast with snippets of the billionaire at his foundation’s recent Goalkeepers 2030 Conference:

“Ah, Bill Gates, he’s the answer to all the world’s problems and anyone who criticizes him is a conspiracy theorist or a considered academic concerned about him colonizing and monopolizing the world’s resources.”

But this “is not a conspiracy theory,” Brand said. “These are harmful policies designed to centralize power and control food, and people are answering back from a position of authority, integrity and expertise.”

He added:

“What you are doing is gaslighting –– presenting practical, ongoing, farmer-led solutions as somehow fanciful or ridiculous, while presenting your own preferred approaches as pragmatic.”

Brand echoed the food sovereignty group’s argument that there are “already measures in place that can be controlled and implemented by the communities themselves and don’t require the centralization of power, the patenting of seeds and crops, the technologicalization of the process of agriculture –– all, by the way –– by a fellow who seems to be buying up farmland at the moment –– by coincidence!”

Brand added:

“Gates likes to look at the world as simple data. What I offer you is this question: Is Bill Gates trying to help? Or is Bill Gates simply suggesting that the solution to all of these problems is to give Bill Gates more power?”

The full CHD article can be found at the link below, which also contains a  link to the Russell Brand video.

Are you also aware that millions of people in the Netherlands have been protesting for months over their governments attempts to reclaim much of their farming land, forcing farmers to reduce a large percentage of their livestock and walk away from their farms?  See separate topic below for further details, but you should note that is becoming a familiar agenda in many countries as governments, global elites and organizations such as the World Economic Forum, are dictating to farmers instead of 'stepping back and listening to those on the ground', as pointed out by the 50 organizations who wrote to Bill Gates.


  1. Bill Gates - Farming Technology & Food Sovereignty
  2. 10 Oct 2022 Open Letter to Bill Gates on Food, Farming and Africa
  3. Jordon Peterson on Bill Gates and Justin Trudeau


WEF Plans impacting Food and Energy

If you have reviewed the articles and videos above on this website, you are probably questioning by now, many of the government policies worldwide related to our food and energy supply.  Arguably, any reasonable person would conclude that a lot of these policies, don't make a lot of sense.

So who created these policies and why are they pushing them, when they are clearly NOT making the world a better place? In fact the opposite is true.

As we pointed out on the Social page of this website, under the heading of "New World Order", there are a number of global organisations that have a 'facade' of being government agencies, but which are "public-private partnerships" funded and operated by global elites of the world, through their various foundations and private companies. 

It would appear that it is the members of these very organisations, who are using their significant wealth and power, to set and push the global agendas that are driving these policies.

One of the most influential of these organisations is the World Economic Forum (WEF).  According to their own website, the WEF is:

"The international organization for Public-Private Co-operation. The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas."

It was established in 1971 by Klauss Schwab, as a not-for-profit foundation and is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.  Leaders of the WEF meet in Davos, Switzerland each year.

If you look at the range of topics and issues that the WEF seeks to influence, you will see that it covers every part of our society and environment, but for the purposes of this page on our website, we will specifically focus on food and energy issues.  Please see below some information from the WEF's 'Agriculture, Food and Beverage' page and 'Energy Transition' page of their website, as well as information about "The Great Reset", a vision that the WEF has for the world by 2030.

You should note that the 'partners' of the WEF, a list of whom can also be found on the WEF website, appears to include most of the world's global corporations, as well as the global elites and their respective charities or non-profit organizations.  Partners of particular interest are the United Nations and Google. Please see the 1 minute video at the following link discussing information presented to the WEF on how the UN works with Google to ensure you only see 'the science' that they want you to see.  UN and Google Partner to Control the Information You See on Climate Change

Whilst you may think that many of the topics and proposals by the WEF sound reasonable, you may wish to consider some other perspectives on the motives behind such proposals, as set out in the Links below.

One important consideration is the level of power that this organization has over influencing and directing government policy in many countries of the world. The founder of the WEF, Klauss Schwab's is well known for his recent book "The Great Reset" which sets out the WEF proposal for a 'New World Order".  Remember these are unelected, extremely rich and powerful individuals that believe they know best how to run our lives, through their plans for what is effectively centralized, one world government

If you believe that it is an exaggeration that the WEF could wield so much power and control, please see video below of Klauss Schwab, who by his own admission, proudly admits that the WEF have  'infiltrated the cabinets of many governments around the world, through the WEF 'young leaders program', which has included numerous country leaders such as Vladimir Putin (Russia), Merkel (Germany), Justin Trudeau (Canada) and Jacinta Ardern (New Zealand). 

Hundreds of millions of people around the world have expressed concerns around the effective power that this group of unelected people who form the WEF, have over influencing our future, from the food we eat, to the where we can travel, how we spend our money, what we can say and think,  and even what drugs are injected into our bodies.

Now you may think, how could the WEF have power over our governments? Why would our governments do what the WEF directs them to do, instead of follow the wishes and needs of the people who elected them? The answer is simple - it is not that the WEF had to 'influence' our government leaders AFTER they rose to power.  By Klauss Schwab's own admission, the WEF played a role in developing many of global leaders BEFORE they rose to power, so many of these leaders have already aligned themselves with the WEF initiatives and proposals, BEFORE we even elected them.  This was a clear strategy of the WEF through their 'Young Global Leaders' program. See more on this program under topics below.

Topic: The Great Reset: You will Own Nothing and Be Happy

The video at the link below by former Australian parliamentarian George Christensen, is one of many videos and articles available, that provide a good overview of "The Great Reset" proposed by Klauss Schwab of the World Economic Forum (WEF).

In a nutshell, the proposal is to build a 'New World Order' in which 'You will own nothing, and be happy', because whenever you need anything, you simply order it and it arrives.

To some, this may sound like a nice world to live in, but be warned, there are some important consquences that come with this way of life.

In particular on the issues of food and energy, we are already seeing some shocking impacts of attempts to move to this new world order.

As outlined in the video, as well as under other topics on this website, we are already seeing significant impacts on farmers and consequently our food supply, as governments in the Netherlands and Canada, seek to shut down farms and kill livestock, in the name of reducing global warming.  Meanwhile food manufacturing plants are mysteriously burning down and we are being encouraged to eat fake meat and food made from insects and bugs.
On the energy front, it is predicted that thousands of people across Europe could die from the cold this winter, due to the shutdown of coal fired energy plants and the push towards renewable energy and reduction of fossil fuel use.

Please go to the Society page of this website for more informaton on other significant impacts of The Great Reset, including the introduction of a 'social credit system' similar to that which already exists in China, and the move towards 'transhumanism'.

If you believe that the New World Order will not really impact you, or that there is nothing you can do to about it anyway, so there is no need to inform yourself; please stop and think about the numerous recent examples of 'trial runs' of parts of this agenda, where governments all around the world have taken away our human rights and exerted significant control over the way we live.

Fortunately many people have risen up, and continue to rise up and protest against government overreach into their lives.  Without these protests, the Great Reset most likely would already be much more progressed by now. 

So it is important that you do inform yourself and your friends and family about the plans of the WEF to build a 'New World Order', to ensure that we the people, don't become enslaved by a very small minority of global elites.

Please also see some more specific examples in topics below of how the WEF is already influencing key goverment policies that are affecting the way people live.  These examples clearly demonstrate that the WEF plans are already in progress, this is not some future event that may or may not come along.

And remember that the WEF is a group of unelected global elites and major corporations; their agenda is not being driven by the people through our elected government representatives.


  1. Understanding "The Great Reset" by George Christensen - September 2022


  1. The World Economic Forum (weforum.org)
  2. George Christensen Website

Our Water, Air, and Other Environmental Topics
Most people are aware of the many genuine environmental issues reported in the mainstream news, that need to be carefully monitored and addressed by people, companies and governments globally.  This includes issues such as industrial pollution of our waterways, plastics in the ocean, soil erosion from deforestation, air pollution from industrial waste, and impact of mining on birds, plants and animals; to name a few.

But sadly there are many other important issues in relation to our water and the environment, which are seemingly hidden from the public. These issues have a significant impact on our health and quality of life, so why aren't they also being reported, discussed and addressed? 

Below we provide information on some of these issues.
Topic: Environmental Stewardship

The video at the link below is an interesting presentation by Dr Jordan Peterson and Dr Bjorn Lomborg of an article they published on 4th November 2022 in The Telegraph, on 'How those who hypothetically lead us on the environmental front are actually failing to save the planet' at the 2022 UN Climate Change Conference in Egypt - the 27th such conference, known as COP 27.

They discuss how "very little has been accomplished and much time and money wasted.  They suggest that perhaps 'insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results', might very well become the unofficial motto of the Climate Change Conference.

Dr Lomborg begins by stating that "...in the previous 10 years, the world has focused more on remediating climate change than ever before.  Despite this, we are not achieving anything, although no shortage of money has been wasted.  And in a surprisingly honest review of climate policies, the UN revealed a lost decade.... the report found that it couldn't tell the difference between what has happened, and a world that adopted no new climate policies since 2005.... all those climate summits and grandiose promises, all that expense and trouble, and no measurable difference whatsoever".

They go on to discuss the reasons for this failure to achieve measurable results, including the impossibility of replacing our energy needs with renewable energy based on today's technology, and they propose different approaches and factors to consider going forward.


  1. Dr Jordon Peterson and Dr Lomborg Discuss How Those Who Hypothetically Lead us on the Environmental Front are actually Failing to Save The Planet


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