Are you aware of media coverage over recent years on Identity Politics, i.e the push for people to change their pronouns (he/she/them/it) and even their sex?
Do you feel that sometimes you are afraid to speak for fear that someone will take offence (particularly if you use the wrong pronoun, or mistake a girl for a boy)?
Did you know that in some western countries or states, including Australia, that it is legal for teachers and other adults to support children as young as 12 to start hormone replacement therapy to transition to the opposite sex, without the knowledge of their parents? Many countries including the USA and the UK even have multiple large clinics that specialise in transgender surgery for children.
Did you know that in the USA, some states have tried to pass a bill to introduce explicit sex education into pre-school?
Have you heard of the movie “What is a woman”? Are you aware that politicians and medical experts in a number of western countries, could not define a woman, when directly questioned in parliament?
Did you notice that during the Covid lockdowns many people weren’t even allowed to go to church or congregate to worship? Are you aware that even though ingredients in some Covid vaccines were based on aborted foetuses, that companies and governments denied thousands of people religious exemptions?
Did you know that for the last 3 years, accounts of anyone on social media who expressed an opinion that was not fully aligned with the government, were removed from the site, including leading doctors, scientists, lawyers and educators, each of whom was speaking on their topic of expertise? If you find this hard to believe, you can find in the public domain, details of the 'Twitter files' that began to appear in late 2022 after Elon Musk took over Twitter.
The Twitter files were released after Elon Musk hired ethical journalists to review the removal and suppression of accounts and posts on Twitter. The journalists uncovered and revealed the shocking truth, that many US government agencies such as the FBI and CIA, were actively working with Twitter management to direct this censorship of what was in most cases, factual information. These posts were not 'misinformation' or 'disinformation' as the mainstream media would have you believe. Factual information and well considered opinions by experts, were removed or suppressed simply because the posts contained facts that the government did not want you to see. It now seems that free speech is no longer permitted by most countries in the world today.
Have you heard of the phrase ESG, a new score that companies are tracking to measure their environmental, social and governance performance. Yet interestingly Tesla, the world’s largest manufacturer of electric cars, had a low ESG score and petroleum companies were near the top of the list.
Many of these and other topics and causes that have arisen in recent years, can be grouped into what is broadly known as a ‘Woke’ agenda, which is being pushed by governments and many global organizations and corporations.
It seems that those who do not fall into line with this Woke agenda, or other global agendas, such as those around health issues like vaccines and pandemics, or climate change and other environmental issues, are accused of hate crimes and/or discrimination.
Millions of people worldwide have concluded that this 'conditioning' through global agendas propagated by global elites and mainstream media, is aimed at preparing us for the 'New World Order' that the World Economic Forum (WEF), the World Health Organisation (WHO), the United Nations (UN) and other private-public global organizations funded by global elites, are planning for us all.
These global agendas are undermining every aspect of our societies and our daily life. They are also creating much division and discrimation amongst people which did not previously exist.
The ‘woke’ social agenda in particular, seemingly seeks to undermine religious and family values, having infiltrated the education of our children from preschool through to university. Our children are being stripped of their innocence and being taught fear, guilt and compliance. Fear of viruses that can kill them; guilt that their very existence is the cause of climate change and global warming; and compliance with anything the 'authorities' tell them to do, no matter how unethical or immoral it appears to be, or how much harm it causes.
Pre-schools in some countries now have “Transgender Reading Time”; and publicly funded TV channels are actively promoting transgender content; primary school children are being sold ‘bug’ chips in their school canteens and being taught that they are destroying the planet by eating meat; and many university campuses are no longer the place of free speech and critical thinking, with the right to protest and challenge the system.
These days, instead of being taught the importance of free speech and the fundamental human rights that our forefathers so valiantly fought to secure for all future generations; most young people are being taught to comply and don’t speak out, under the fear that non-compliance will lead to being reprimanded and/or ostracized, being ‘labelled’ as sexist, racist, discriminatory or accused of ‘hate’ crimes.
This website seeks to shed some light on the various tactics at play as part of the 'woke' and other global agendas that are turning our societies upside down.
You can decide for yourself whether you are willing to stand back and allow these global agendas to influence your children and communities. OR whether it is time to speak out and say without fear of government or social reprisal, that we don’t accept this new Woke culture and New World Order; that we value our religious and family values; that we want our children to keep their innocence; that we insist on our rights of free thought, free speech and bodily autonomy; that we don't want our governments to have full control over where, when and how we spend our money; and we will do not accept the plan that the non-elected global elites and their organisations have for us all!
But don’t be dismayed, the solution to stopping these agendas is really quite simple, as they can only exist for as long as we the people, allow them to. If together, we speak out against this coordinated, global assault on nature, our children, our religions, our communities, our food, our health, our environment, our finances, and our future; the woke agenda will not succeed in redefining the laws of nature and undermining the family, religious, and societal values and beliefs that will allow future generations to live healthy, happy, peaceful and prosperous lives in harmony with nature.
If you don't believe that the solution really is that simple, consider that during the Covid pandemic, many countries (including Canada, Australia and the EU) are on public record as having signed contracts to purchase enough Covid vaccines to give 10 doses each to every one of their citizens. Now it is also on public record that most of the stock is being destroyed, because hundreds of millions of people protested worldwide, and because people stopped lining up for more boosters.
The people have the power, we just need to use it peacefully.
Please see below a small selection of videos and articles which we provide to simply raise your awareness on these topics. New 'narratives' are appearing often in support of pushing us all to align with the 'New World Order', so we encourage you to do your own further research and to share your thoughts and opinions with others.
The 'WOKE' agenda & Identity Politics
Educating & Controlling our Children
New World Order - Control of the People by Unelected Global Elites and Organizations
Freedom of Speech & Social Topics
Pedophilia & Sexualization of Children
So whilst in theory this is an admirable goal, unfortunately what we see repeatedly throughout the world, is that 'woke moral standards' are not only inconsistently applied, but the tactics used by the woke group, are not to argue, dissuade or debate their points of view and opinions, but rather to smear, ostricise, publicly shame, or in other words to 'cancel', those who do not agree with them.
These tactics have created a sense of fear, leading to a large percentage of people also 'self censoring' on important issues, to avoid being 'cancelled'. This self-censoring and cancel culture is the exact opposite of free speech, upon which all democracies are built. It is therefore not unreasonable to argue, that woke culture seriously threatens democracies worldwide.
One of the key narratives within the woke agenda, is the assertion that we should dismiss the basic principles of Biology that identify all of mankind with reference to only two genders - male and female.
This new 'narrative' which has been expanding across many parts of society, purports that there are many more genders than just male and female, and that a person's gender is not determined at birth based on biological features; but rather, that we can each 'choose' our gender and/or how we wish to be 'identified'. In line with this viewpoint, each person should also therefore express which 'pronoun' they would like to be addressed by.
You may have heard this narrative broadly referred to as "Identity Politics", as it is difficult to see any reason for the push to significantly change the identity of mankind, other than to create confusion and disruption (especially for our children and young adults) for some sort of political agenda.
Many would argue that the terror tactics used by the woke group, to shut down those who don't agree with them, actually cause more harm to the groups they seek to help. The video below of a student addressing his school board, provides a very good example of this.
Please also see a small selection of Topics below, including articles and videos for your awareness of some key issues emanating from the woke culture which is currently having a significant impact on our society.
Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you are afraid to speak for concern about offending someone? Well these days you are certainly not alone. The video below captures this issue well. Although this is obviously a comedy sketch, you may well consider how close to reality this situation can be.
Have you ever considered how we got here? Who is driving this agenda? What is the impetus behind creating and embedding so much division between people, the sexes, communities, religious groups, political groups, nations, and even amongst families and friends?
Kinne - Parody on Woke Agenda
For those who have children who are of kindergarten, school, college or university age, you will likely be aware that over recent years, the education curriculum has moved further away from the basics of reading, writing, arithmetic, logic, critical thinking and life skills; towards topics that seek to sexualize children from a very young age; stop them questioning and thinking for themselves; and filling them with fear and guilt about topics and world issues beyond their control. Even worse, many of these topics are taught as facts, when in reality the information in many cases is not accurate. Below you will find a selection of these topics for your review.
Many parents are concerned that the curriculum for their pre-school age children includes topics, pictures and books with sexual content, including very explicit content in some cases. In some states in America, they even have ‘Transgender Reading time’.
Parents of school age children have also spoken out about their children being taught that they can decide which sex they want to be and therefore which ‘pronoun’ they want to use, and in some states, laws even allow school counsellors to support the children in ‘transitioning’ to the opposite sex, without parental knowledge or consent.
For parents of college or university age children, they are concerned that their children’s ‘Rite of Passage’ at College or University to have an opinion, speak out if they disagree, and even protest if they feel strongly about an issue, has now been removed. Instead, they are being taught silence, compliance and how to go along with the crowd and never stand out. Critical thinking skills are no longer valued or encouraged, in fact, they are likely to lead to a student being silenced and ostracized, or being accused of being sexist or racist or some other derogatory label.
It was quite telling in a speech by President Trump on 15th November 2022, when he announced that he would run again for presidency in 2024, that one of the commitments he made was to restore parental rights. During his speech, he made a comment along the lines of 'who would have thought a couple of years ago that we would be in a situation where we would need to restore parental rights?". His words are quite telling of just how much the western world in particular, has changed over the last couple of years.
Please review the content on this website and ask yourself whether you agree with the topics that are now included in our children’s education curriculum; and whether you are happy for the development of your children’s thoughts, health, values, morals, and life skills into adulthood; to being increasingly handed over to ‘state control’. Is this what you want for your children and future generations?
If the answers to these questions are ‘No’, please do your own further research on what is included in curriculums for your own local education institutions, as well as any local and state laws and regulations that affect your parental rights. And please speak up if you do not agree with what you discover!
Gays Against Groomers: Gay Flag is a Sexual Flag
No Warning for Children on Social Media Posts
Below you will find a link to a story about a mother of a 23 year old son who suffers from depression and diabetes and who does not have a girlfriend.
On that basis alone, doctors in Canada have just approved her son's assisted suicide.
By March 2023, new law is expected to be passed in Canada to allow children to be killed by state doctors, without their parents consent.
This is truly shocking and to most people it is quite unbelievable. Please watch the video at the link below for further details on state sanctioned murder of vulnerable people in Canada.
Most people assume that these organisations are run by elected officials, since they wield much power over the sovereign rights of each country and its' people.
But for the most part, these organisations are established, run and funded by private people, members and organisations, i.e. the global elites of the world, through their various 'public-private' partnerships, foundations and private companies. People are 'appointed' to these organisations by the global elites, they are not 'elected' by the people. So the global elites use their enormous wealth to basically control the world, through organisations that have a 'facade' of being government agencies, which they are not.
Don't take our word for it, you can confirm this yourself with just a little online research.
You may also have heard politicians around the world referring to a 'New World Order (NWO)'. Although this agenda has been spoken about by world leaders for decades now, it seems most people never really understood what they were referring to, until recently.
In the video below, you will see that the NWO is 'sold' as 'global cooperation' and a 'great opportunity for global governance'. But ask yourself, who is co-operating globally? The answer is the global elites through their various organisations as mentioned above. And who are being governed (i.e. controlled)? It is we, the people.
In the video they also refer to 'global democratic opinion' - are they serious? It is difficult enough to get a democratic opinion in one country, or even one state, let alone form opinions that a whole world of people from different cultures, backgrounds, religions, values and beliefs, can all agree upon and abide by.
So who really benefits when our sovereign human rights, local customs and ways of life, are overridden by the policies of global elites? The answer to this question is revealed at the end of the video when a reporter asks: "but aren't we all just living and dying for what the central banks do?" Correct!
Over the last 3 years in particular, millions of people around the world have woken up to just how much power these global elites, through their respective companies and organisations, have over the lives of every person on the planet. The WEF's vision of our future, 'The Great Reset', provides some insight into how these organisations plan to work together, to shape the future of the people, our societies, our cities, our finances and almost every aspect of our lives.
This is a very big and complex topic, which we can't cover in detail on this website.
But we do seek to shed some light on some of the plans of these organisations, including 'Agenda 21', and the key impacts. We also reveal that many of the plans are already in progress, to move us to a future that most people on the planet did not ask for, did not vote for, did not agree to, do not want, and largely do not even know about.
We urge you to familiarise yourself with these issues, as they will impact you, if not now, in the very near future. Now is the time to stand up and be heard, before a future is imposed upon all of us that we do not want. A future that is all about controlling and enslaving us. If you do your research, you will see that this statement is not an exaggeration.
Planning a New World Order
In other pages of this website, you will find discussion on the power that the World Health Organisation (WHO) and World Economic Forum (WEF) have exerted over sovereign nations, in many cases through infiltration of government cabinets. But what social contract exists between ordinary people and globalist organizations like the UN, for them to interfere in our domestic politics? The indoctrination of the perceived authority of these organizations is so widespread, that to resist their medaling in the affairs of sovereign democratic nations, is perceived as somehow wrong.
What do you think? Perhaps you will need to undertake further research for yourself, but in principle do you agree that we should be questioning whether the UN really is a tool for the elites to sustain and further their power? Do you think that the UN should be interfering in the domestic laws and human rights of the people in sovereign countries?
Watch the 2-minute video below on the UN's Agenda 21 master plan to change the political and economic system of the world to one of total collectivism. This means people will not be allowed to have independence and must be dependent on the State for everything.
Please also watch the second (5 minute) video below that explains how the UN's Plan for the 21st Century- a plan which was agreed to by 179 nations back in 1992 under the guise of 'sustainable development', is actually an 'Inventory and Control' plan. 'Control of all Land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all food, all energy, all information, and all human beings in the world'.
For those who don't accept the views and opinions of other commentators and researchers on this topic, you may be interested in the information provided by a UN insider who held various senior positions within the UN over a 17-year period, in the video below 'Oligarchs Own the UN'. This is a revealing and insightful interview with former UN Executive Director Calin Georgescu, who describes the process of infiltration and global takeover of the UN by Oligarchs through various NGOs (Non-Government Organizations), particularly Klauss Schwab and the World Economic Forum (WEF).
To quote a former Australian politician, “Deception, lies at the heart of high politics, making those who resist unsure of one’s real intention. We shouldn’t be pacified by rhetoric, or propaganda that’s pushed upon us. Rather than well curated words, it has got to be consequences that we assess in determining true intentions; and the true intentions of the globalist elite, are to undermine our national sovereignty, and our personal freedoms. Don’t let them, fight back by spreading the truth”.
This is certainly food for thought as there is no doubt, as detailed throughout this website, that there is a well-coordinated drive for global organizations to take away our individual freedoms and move us towards a New World Order controlled by centralized, unelected government bodies. We have certainly seen plenty of evidence of this since early 2020 in particular.
Please see the video below announcing the signing of a 'Memorandum of Understanding' between the UN and the World Economic Forum (WEF), to 'deepen engagement of the two institutions' and 'accelerate the implementation' of 'the 2030 agenda'. As you will hear in the 'Oligarchs Own the UN' video below, former UN Executive Director Calin Georgescu confirms that the UN agenda for 2030 is the same as the WEF agenda for 2030, an agenda devised by unelected, self-appointed global Oligarchs. This is not an agenda that was voted for by the people, and it is not an agenda that is for the benefit or well-being of the people.
Towards the end of the video, Mr. Georgescu also briefly touches on the issue of pedophilia and the 8 million children who go missing worldwide every year. See other topics on this website in relation to these issues.
You will also find in Topics below a number of other related videos and articles on the topic of the UN and control of the people by global elites and their private NGOs, for your further consideration.
Agenda 21 in 2 Minutes
United Nations Agenda 21 - 'Sustainability' Plan or 'Inventory and Control' Plan?
UN and WEF Sign Memorandum of Understanding on Strategic Partnership to Accelerate the Implementation of The 2030 Agenda
Oligarchs Own the UN - Interview with Former UN Executive Director Calin Georgescu
WEF: 8 Predictions for the World in 2030
It is now reasonably well established, even in parts of the mainstream media, that over the last few years in particular, there have been unprecedented levels of censorship of information by governments and those in positions of power worldwide.
Censorship of information, particularly from true experts in their respective fields, is at the core of how governments and global elites can enforce policies and agendas on the people, that the people do not want and did not agree to. That is how we got here!
But what has been most shocking to people, is the extent to which government agencies have been colluding with big tech companies to effect this censorship, as evidenced by 'The Twitter Files' and subsequent US Sub Committee hearings now taking place in the USA. To quote an article from the Brownstone Intitute: "When Governments have worked directly with with social media to cast a single narrative in stone with grave consequences for science and society - it becomes a problem. This sort of government/tech collaboration is being litigated now."
It seems that the government 'propaganda' machines that were historically the domain of communist regimes, are now prolific in what were once free, democratic countries. Please see the topic below on the 'Trusted News Initiative' for details of the co-ordinated effort around the world to report only 'agreed' narratives on the Covid pandemic and other issues, regardless of what experts, the data, or 'the science', was showing.
This hasn't gone unnoticed by a percentage of the population, who have been protesting on mass over the last 3 years to protect their human rights and freedoms. But sadly, until the Twitter files were released and the US Republicans regained control of the house in November 2022, the majority of the population were not aware of the extent to which government agencies including the FBI and the CIA, were actually directing big tech companies to censor experts worldwide.
This censorship has ensured that most people have only been hearing the agreed narrative, 'to cast a single narrative in stone' on important topics such as the safety and efficacy of the Covid vaccines, climate change, the 'woke' agenda, and abuse of human rights.
Please see below a very small selection of topics, articles and videos on this issue. You can easily find much more information via simple online searches on non-mainstream media channels and platforms. Platforms such as Rumble and Substack are two platforms that you may want to consider using.
But first, watch the video below. The video demostrates very concisely and clearly why free speech is so important - because without it, where one powerful group controls the narrative, it is very easy to indoctrinate people with lies.
Below we also show again (in case you missed it in the topic above) the video explaining how the WEF admitted to controlling the information you see on the Internet.
WEF Admits to Controlling the Information You See on the Internet
The 20 minute video presentation (followed by Q&A) at the link below clearly details how the censoring of free speech leads to devastating impacts on our society.
For anyone who has any doubt that our governments and regulators 'did the best they could' in response to the pandemic, based on the 'latest science', this presentation clearly outlines the fact that the real experts knew from the outset, how best to handle the pandemic. They also knew that the government policies being enforced were wrong and would cause significant harm. But these experts were not only ignored, they were defamed, censored, and 'cancelled' by university faculties and mainstream media.
Professor Atlas clearly sets out the numerous ways in which the universities were able to achieve the censorship against those academics and scientists who dared to speak out.
According to Prof. Atlas "Cancel culture on campus is cowardly... it relies on the university brand.... and title...... to legitimise this behaviour", and 'when you censor science policy, people die!"
Had free speech been allowed to prevail, and the media not been complicit in silencing these important voices, we would NOT now be suffering the harms of the pandemic responses that we are experiencing all over the world today; harms which will have significant impacts for decades to come.
Freedom of speech is critical for our societies to survive and thrive. As Prof. Atlas points out "Trust in public health has been politicized. We have set up a public health disaster in our younger population".
Prof. Atlas offers the following suggestions to try to restore trust in science and academia:
- Individuals with integrity must rise up
- Institution leaders must rise up and lead
- Encourage, not vilify, outside experts who help
- Hold Universities accountable, tied to their funding - did you know that more than a dozen universities in the US get over $500 million per year from one agency alone, the National Institute of Health (NIH)
- Demand a Public apology for errors, and vow to never repeat
- Hold Defamers legally accountable in court
- Form new institutions with moral authority - we can't use the same institutions that we have today, as they have failed us on a grand scale
- Avoidable deaths in society's most vulnerable
- Massive destruction of low income families
- Ongoing, enormous health damages to children
- Severe loss of trust in public health and science
Prof. Atlas says that a key message he gives to his students is that they must always remember that:
"Right is right even if nobody does it, wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong about it" CK Chesterton
Stanford has a 'Statement on Academic Freedom" which was put in place 50 years ago. It stated that 'Expression of the widest range of viewpoints should be encouraged, free from institutional orthodoxy and from internal or external coercion'. Yet like so many other well tested, long standing policies and standards upon which our societies have relied in the past, this was ignored during the Covid pandemic, to the significant detriment to our society.
Please watch Prof. Atlas' presentation to help you understand the critical importance of freedom of speech for a healthy, well functioning society.
Although his presentation focuses specifically on the Covid pandemic, these same principles apply to other important areas of society, where government policy and global corporations are driving agendas which can be very harmful to the people and the environment.
If the real experts don't, or are not permitted to, speak out against well funded political and corporate agendas and propaganda, and if ordinary people are being 'cancelled' and silenced on important issues that impact their fundamental human rights and their communities, consider how this can lead to further damage to the mental, physical, psychological, economic and environmental health and well-being of individuals, communities and the planet.
If you have any doubt that global powers are not controlling 'the science' that they want you to see and censoring alternate expert researh and opinions, please watch the one minute video below on the UN and Google partnership formed to do just that.
Further evidence of censorship in the US in particular, is uncovered in hearings from a US Subcommittee that has been established on the 'Weaponization of the US Federal Government'. The video below is part of those hearings, specifically in relation to evidence given by Dr Fauci on information related to Covid-19 pandemic issues. Even Dr Fauci's lawyer was shocked by the responses from Fauci when questioned in relation to censoring information. This video refers to people's rights to free speech under the US Constitution, and the right to hear ALL information, not just the information that Dr Fauci believes they should be given.
For the most part, many of those in power, including those at the highest levels of politics, finance, the legal system and the education system, would have you believe that such reports are so-called 'conspiracy theories', to be discredited and dismissed. But even for those who buy into these claims, it is now becoming more difficult to ignore the ever increasing reports on non-mainstream media that supports these 'theories'.
We encourage you to do your own research on these matters, as surely the protection of our children should be the highest priority for the functioning of any healthy, happy society. You don't have to look far to find evidence that millions, yes millions of children go missing every year. Where do they go? Why isn't investigating and putting an end to this crisis, the highest priority for societies globally?
The answer to this question leads into horrific crimes of child trafficking, which we address briefly in the topic below.
But you can be sure that the truth behind pedophilia, sexualising and grooming children, and attempts to 'normalise' these behaviours in our society, plays a significant role in understanding why the global child trafficking issue is not more widely known, and why there are not more people calling out for proper investigations and actions to put an end to these horrific crimes.
The crimes committed on Geoffrey Epstein's Island are just the tip of the iceberg, and even though there was some mainstream media exposure on those crimes, don't you think it unusual that no-one has been investigated or held accountable for those crimes, which took place over decades, other than one woman and a man who 'committed suicide' in jail. Who is protecting the other perpetrators of these crimes against children, and why?
Please see a selection of topics and articles on issues of pedophilia and sexualisation of our children below, to help you start your research into these important issues.
Please also refer to information under "Educating and Controlling our Children' above for related content.
Explicit Sexual Content in Children's Books in Barnes & Noble UK
Tucker goes on to say that whilst these conspiracy theories may sound too dark and strange to be true, you can understand why people may think it. He quotes the example of Jeffrey Epstein, who continued to dine with business moguls and Heads of State, long after he was arrested for having sex with minors. Why did nobody say anything, why did people keep eating with him? And as Stew Peters questions below, why did the FBI give child porn back to Epstein?
Tucker Carlson noted that we can conclude based on the evidence, that there is a tolerance for Pedophilia among some of the most powerful people in our society. And it seems a recent advertising campaign by high luxury brand Balenciaga, where the selling point of the advertisement were photos of kiddie porn implying sex with children, is further evidence of this, based on the response, or lack thereof, by mainstream media outlets.
In the video below, Candace Owen also discusses how one of the photos in the Balenciaga campaign included papers from a Supreme Court decision, Ashcroft vs the Freedom of Speech Coalition, which struck down certain virtual child pornography laws. Candace also discusses child exploitation in Hollywood and calls on Kim Kardashian, one of the faces of Balenciaga, to publicly condemn the campaign and quit her association with the brand. It took Kim Kardashian over a week to respond, but she did not quit her association with the brand.
As Tucker points out, pedophiles famously get killed in prison because even murderers consider them immoral, that is how out of bounds it is, and has always been, to sexualize children. He then goes on to say that even academics these days have redefined child molesters as 'minor attracted persons', the point being to send the message that it is not that big a deal, it is just a 'different kind of love'.
So why did all other major news outlets ignore the Balenciaga story? And why have the mainstream media gone so quiet on the cries to release the names of the people who visited Jeffery Epstein's Island ?
There have been a very limited number of stories on pedophilia rings in the mainstream media. See below one such report by Channel 9 Australia of a victim who briefly got the attention of the Australian mainstream media. But where was the follow up? As the victim points out, there have been two Royal Commissions into pedophilia perpetrated by high ranking politicians, police and judiciary in Australia. Most Australians aren't even aware of these Commissions, nor aware that courts ordered that the names of perpetrators uncovered during these investigations, was to be suppressed for decades until after the perpetrators are dead. Why the coverup? The pedophiles walk free and continue their evil crimes, but the people are not allowed to know who they are.
We have to ask, why aren't the mainstream media, celebrities and other influencers interested in reporting, speaking out and pursuing stories about sexualizing children? In fact, they target anyone who dares to complain about this type of unacceptable behavior. And as Candace says in her video, everyone in Hollywood is quick to attack anyone who they deem is saying something that they consider to be 'hate speech'; why aren't any of them condemning this campaign?As you will see in the article linked below, the response by Balenciaga to the online outrage for normalizing child pornography, was to punish the photographer. Balenciaga then went on to replace the child bondage and SM themed Ads with a new creepy campaign that includes a book in the background of a Belgian painter known for 'pedophilia, blood ritual, occultism, cannibalism and Racism'.
Surely no healthy society believes this sexual exploitation of children should be tolerated.Tucker Carlson also goes on to discuss other issues around sexual exploitation of children, including mutilation of children by hospitals during gender reassignment surgery.
See the videos and articles below for yourself, for a little insight into why many people are concerned that those in power are allowing, or even possibly involved in, sexual exploitation of children. Could the conspiracy theorists be correct; is there a deep state coverup of these shocking crimes against children, not just in America, but all around the world?Andrew Tate in the video below, offers a possible explanation as to why pedophilia keeps appearing in multiple advertising campaigns for one particular brand.
With millions of children 'disappearing' every year around the world, this issue has an enormous impact on our society. It is surely time for the media to start demanding answers on behalf of the people, by putting pressure on those in power who may, or may not, be concealing atrocities against innocent, vulnerable children.
Biden Administration Accused of Abetting 'Forced Migration, Sale' of Foreign Kids
Children Crossing US Borders Sexually Assaulted by Human Traffickers
Epstein's Island - They All Knew!
Fashion Photographer Misan Harriman Speaks Out Against Balenciaga
Candace Owens calls out Kim Kardashian & Hollywood over Balenciaga Campaign
Stew Peters - Why did the FBI give Child Porn back to Epstein
Andrew Tate on Pedophilia and the Elite - Nov 2022
Australilan Pedophilia Victim speaks to Channel 9 News October 2016
