It may sound simplistic, but the control that our governments, the global private-public corporations like the WHO and WEF, and the global elites, have forced upon us, stops when we say it stops! The masses outnumber the global elites by about 6 million to 1.
We have the power; we simply need to use it!
There are already hundreds, possibly thousands, of medical, scientific, humanitarian, legal and community organizations around the world, who are taking action to stop the crimes that the global elites and governments are forcing upon the people. You may think, well what can I do, I am just one person out of 8 billion in the world. But our power is in our numbers, so there are some simple things that every single one of us can do, to stop those in power from controlling us.
The most important thing that we can all do is simply to keep ourselves informed and pay attention!
We know everyone is busy with the pressures of daily life, and if we were living in a world where we could trust our governments and our education, legal, medical and other institutions, and our major media channels, we could rely on their decisions, practices, policies and information to guide and protect us.
But as you can see from the information on this website, and your first-hand experience of the government and big corporate overreach and invasion into our lives over the last few years in particular, we are now living in a world where these critical structures that underpin our society, have been captured by the global elites and corporations, so our governments and institutions are no longer acting in the best interests of the people. The global elites can direct them to do whatever they like because most people are not paying attention, and our mainstream media is not bringing their nefarious actions to our attention, as they are also controlled by these same elitists who have an agenda which gives them total control over our lives.
So please start by finding just a little time each day or each week, to look for the truth behind what you are being told by your governments, institutions and major news channels. Most importantly, trust your own instincts as they are very powerful. If something doesn't sound or feel right, ask questions and don't stop asking until you get answers that make sense.
Below are a list of actions you can take right away to get you started in taking back control from the global elites.
To give you some hope that the people can rise up peacefully against globalist policies that we did not ask for, and we do not want; and that we can take back control of our lives, you may like to watch the 16 minute video at the link below, presented by UK's Richard Vobes.
Richard gives a very good summary of how the corporations (including Council and Government corporations) have taken control of every aspect of our lives. But he also explains that there are already many grass roots efforts and solutions underway following a peaceful, intellectual, and measured approach, which will enable the people to turn our backs on the plans that the global elites, governments and corporate powers have for your future.
This video may inspire you to act, by helping you to see that every little step that each person takes, really can make a difference!
LINK TO VIDEO: The Rising is Happening!
Below is a list to get you started on taking back control of your life!
Key to success of the globalists’ strategy, is to divide us – the oldest trick in the book, to “divide and conquer”. But if every person who visits this website, shares it with 5 other people; and asks everyone that they share it with, to share with another 5 people, the information on this website could reach three quarters of the world population within only a few months (do the math 1x5x5x5x5…… 14 times = 6.1 billion people).
When enough people become aware of the truth, we will have the power to help the vaccine injured to heal, to stop the sexualization and trafficking of our children, to help the farmers stop government control over their land, to stop the control of our money and spending through Central Bank Digital currencies, and to restore free speech and scientific debate, just to name a few of the possibilities to take back control of our lives.
On health issues, there are many doctors around the world already researching how to treat the vaccine injured, but they are being silenced by governments, regulators and the global elites who control the WHO and the WEF. When these doctors can speak freely and share what they know, all doctors around the world will be able to work together to help people heal.
On the shocking issue of child trafficking, some Hollywood heavyweights are already working hard to reveal the truth, with the release on July 4 of the movie 'The Sound of Freedom', a documentary that exposes the horror of child trafficking around the world. Sadly, in spite of this important issue now being exposed to the public, some mainstream media channels are trying to discredit and censor the message and those brave people revealing it.
On the issues of climate change and woke politics, there are also many true experts speaking out with the undisputable facts, but they too are being silenced.
This censorship of free speech that shuts down scientific, social, and economic debate, will end when enough people are awake to the agendas that are being pushed by the global elites and their corporations, and the mechanisms to enforce their agendas, which they buy with their enormous wealth and power.
The people have the numbers, we just need to raise awareness, share factual information and stand up to our governments and say NO to policies and restrictions that are being placed on us in every area of our lives. Many people in democratic governments have forgotten, or were never taught, that our governments can only rule by consent. But if we do not stand up and say no, our silence is 'assumed consent'. They have also forgotten that our government officers are public servants - literally they are there to 'serve' the public. The people are not required to serve or answer to them, unless they consent to do so.
But before sharing this site, please think carefully about how best to do so. Each person will have a different level of openness to hearing that much of the information they believed to be true, is not so; or that the governments and institutions that they have trusted their entire lives, have been lying to them, or not telling them the whole truth.
You may want to consider gently raising these issues to 'test the water' a little, to determine whether you think the
person will be open to considering the different perspectives and information shared on this website. It will not help to try to 'push' the information on them, or to be confrontational. The best approach may be to gently raise issues until such time as the person expresses interest in understanding more, and then you can direct them to this website where they can begin their own personal journey of discovery, at their own pace, in their own time.
Person to person, with respect and understanding for each friend, family member, or colleague's current situation and perspective, is the best approach to deciding whether, and when, to share the information presented on this website.
Once this financial system is in place, if you do anything that the government doesn’t want you to do, the government will have the power and capability to restrict you from spending your own money. They may even decide to put an 'expiry date' on your money, so that if you don't spend it when they require you to, your money disappears.
You may think this sounds crazy, but this level of control by government is already happening in China. It is a form of ‘social credit system’ whereby you have a ‘score’ maintained by the government, which is based on how well you follow government rules and regulations. Already in China, people are being restricted from catching a train or travelling outside their town, because they lost too many ‘points’; perhaps from traffic tickets or jaywalking or speaking out against government policy.
The best way to stop our governments controlling us in this way, is to use cash as much as possible now and resist any calls from the government to introduce a digital currency that is issued and controlled by central banks.
Governments don’t like us using cash as they can’t monitor every move we make when we use cash. With digital currencies that are controlled by central banks, they know exactly where we have been, when we were there, what we have spent our money on and how much we spent. And under this system, we will no longer be able to simply withdraw cash to keep control over our own money and spend it as we choose, as cash will not exist in the CBDC system.
Historically, most parents in democratic western countries have for the most part, trusted that government controlled education systems were acting in the best interests of their children. But sadly, those days seem to have gone. Now it is important for parents to actively research the content of school curriculums, because as you will see on this website, there has been a significant amount of content added in recent years on sexual issues, critical race theory and identity politics, for which the purpose or need is unclear.
But what is clear, is that this content is confusing children and undermining traditional family and religious values. In extreme cases it is also leading to children 'transitioning' to the opposite sex, subjecting them to horrific surgery and a life-time of pharmaceutical drugs. And laws in some countries allow school counsellors to start your child on this path, without even advising the parents, let alone obtaining their consent. So it is also necessary to research the laws that your governments are introducing, which seek to undermine parental rights. There is no significant reporting of these new laws in the mainstream media as you would expect, so you need to make your own inquiries.
Also, much of the 'indoctrination' of children occurs through TV shows and movies. So please also ensure that you watch the shows that your children watch, to ensure the content is appropriate. The rules enforced by regulators about appropriate content seem to have changed over recent years, so it is important for parents to conduct their own review of content, to protect their children from inappropriate messages or information.
Parents have busy lives, and this extra work to do your research is time consuming. But if you collaborate with other parents you can share the workload. As a community you can ensure that your children are being taught the values and beliefs that you support, not those that the government wants to teach in order to indoctrinate your children.
Most importantly, don't be afraid to speak out respectfully if you don't like what you discover. Formally address your children's School Boards or Committees on issues you don't agree with, either in writing or in person. Don't take your children to events that promote sexual content such as 'Transgender reading time'. Don't allow your children to do homework or projects that ask them to consider which sex they are or how many sexes there are. Take your children out of classes with inappropriate content if the School Board or Committee won't listen to, or respond to, your concerns.
There has been a co-ordinated effort to silence dissenting views over recent years, but the worst type of censorship is self censorship. We all have a voice and we need to use that voice to shape our communities and our futures. If you do choose to speak up, you may be surprised how many other people share your views, but were also 'self censoring'. Or form support groups with other like minded parents and speak out as a group.
Never forget that the children are our future and if parents and concerned citizens don't speak up now, the education system, books, TV shows and movies will gradually 'normalise' the messages, information and behaviours that are being taught to our children.
On important issues, each MSM channel is typically not investigating their news sources. They are reporting stories dictated to them by their owners, advertisers and sponsors, rather than checking the facts.
In addition, when independant journalists and experts report factual information on major social media platforms, they are being censored. The level of censorship on social media platforms by government agencies is extraordinary, as exposed over recent months via:
- the 'Twitter files' released since Elon Musk bought Twitter;
- various official public enquiries in the USA where the FBI, CIA, DoD and other government agencies have been questioned for their role in censoring factual information on topics such as President Trump, election fraud, the Covid 19 pandemic, and other important issues that affect people globally; and
- further information revealed in many other countries such as Australia and the UK about governments directing social media platforms to remove certain information posted that did not agree with the government's policy on particular topics, such as Covid vaccines or natural immunity for example, even though the information was proven to be factual.
So if all, or most, of your news comes from MSM, you will at best get ‘half truths’ from these sources, and at worst, blatant lies.
The only thing that you can be sure of, is that you will only be told what the global corporations, elites and governments want you to hear, which will align with whatever agenda they have for you to follow.
They can’t indoctrinate you with their propaganda if you turn them off and disconnect. If you follow multiple non-MSM news channels instead, you will see a broader range of facts and opinions, so that you can determine the truth for yourself.
There are many different independent news platforms and channels to follow, each with their own style and focus. But don’t just follow one, you should seek different opinions and information from various sources, so that you can use your own critical thinking skills to find the truth on a particular topic.
The main difference with these independent channels is that each one is owned by different people, which means they are not all being ‘controlled’ by the same players who demand that they follow an agreed narrative to push an agenda. This is true independent media, which is the only type of media that we should have in democratic countries.
To get you started, below are some channels we suggest (but there are many, many others, as you will find in links on this website, as well as those you can find for yourself).
Platforms such as Telegram, Rumble, Signal and Substack do not appear to censor free speech, so you may wish to search for channels on these sites, knowing that people are able to express their real opinions and provide factual information which may otherwise be banned from other channels because the information is 'inconvenient' to governments and global organisations.
Channels such as Children's Health Defense TV, the World Council for Health, and PANDA, are reliable, independent channels for health issues, as well as many more channels listed in links on this site.
You can also check official government websites and government statistics, to confirm some of the information being reported in MSM. You will find many examples over the last 3 years, where politicians, government regulators and media personalities, have reported information that is not even backed up by their government's own official data.
For example, we have been told repeatedly that the Covid-19 vaccines are 'safe and effective'. You may want to check your own government's database of reported injuries and deaths from the vaccines, to determine whether you believe this message from MSM globally, was truthful or factual.
You will also find in each country there are a handful of politicians who are speaking the truth on many of the issues covered on this website. Typically they are the politicians who are being silenced, because instead of blindly following the 'party line', they are questioning policies, based on facts and data that they present in parliament. Rather than debate the facts they are presenting, the governments of the day are simply dismissing them at best and smearing or silencing them at worst.
Please seek out who these politicians are in your country and follow their social media. You may be very surprised to see the facts they are presenting, which will likely lead you to also wonder why the government of the day is not investigating some of the many important issues that these ethical politicians are raising.
A good rule of thumb over recent years in particular seems to be to look to those who are being silenced and/or smeared, as that is where you are more likely to find the truthful data and information, which those pushing an 'agenda' do not want you to see. At the very least, please listen to their opposing views, so that you have all of the information you need to make up your own mind about what is true and what may be propaganda.
We must support our farmers, as well as the smaller grocery stores, local stores, fruit and vege shops, butchers etc. The big supermarkets often screw down the prices they pay to the farmers, to add their own profit margins, which makes it hard for smaller farms, small businesses, and their local communities, to survive and thrive. Buying locally and directly from the farmers where necessary, will ensure the survivial of our local farms and producers, and will also usually ensure the food is fresher and healthier for you.
Many people think that government policies are 'based on the science', or on technical or factual evidence. But in reality, much government policy (aside from the corrupt policies influenced by some type of conflict of interest) is based on ‘opinion polls’.
This sounds ridiculous, but it is true. The main objective of the government of the day is to stay in power, so they will do whatever they think they need to do to stay in power, which means putting in place policies that their opinion polls tell them the people want.
In theory, this is not such a bad idea; after all, they should be doing what the people want. But the problem arises when the people's opinions are in response to living in fear. Again, at face value, it seems reasonable to put policies in place to reduce fear in the population.
But what if that fear was created by the government? And what if the fear that was created, was based on lies or half-truths, that were not supported by facts, data and undisputed science? Then we have a situation where the government has used its power to report less that factual information, which makes people afraid for their lives, and the government then responds with policies, that are based on lies.
This is a well known strategy for companies trying to sell a product. Create fear by advertising a problem that people didn't know existed, then offer a solution to stop the fear, by selling a product which solves the problem.
So if the reality is that they didn't actually have a problem or anything to be afraid of in the first place, then they didn't really need the product. But the company, through its' successful advertising campaign, sells lots of product and makes lots of money, whilst the trusting consumer has bought something they never actually needed.
Do you think that only corporations selling products use these strategies? Governments can use these same strategies to keep themselves in power.
How many times did you hear your government leaders claim that they 'kept you safe' and 'saved millions of lives' during the Covid-19 pandemic? There is no reliable data that actually supports either of these claims. But the government knows that the facts don't matter, if they are hidden from the public. It is the public perception that keeps them in power. Which is why they rely on their public opinion polls to make policy decisions, rather than the real facts, data and science.
Most of your government representatives will tell you whatever they think you want to hear to get those votes. So make sure you tell them directly what you really think, preferably in writing, and demand a response.
If something doesn't sound or feel right, write to your government representatives and demand answers and data. Don't simply trust or believe them on important issues, ask them to send you the data and the evidence to back up what they tell you. You may be surprised to find that the evidence does not exist in very many cases.
Of course it takes time and effort to write to your politicians, but this is one of the few ways in which we can exercise our rights in a democratic country. If enough people demanded facts and evidence from their governments, many of the issues that cause fear and anxiety in the population, would soon disappear, as the 'opinion polls' would quickly reveal that people are not buying into the fear campaigns.
If anyone tries to take away your right to freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom to travel, freedom to earn a living, freedom of retain bodily autonomy (which means you and only you have the right to say what goes into your body) or any other basic human right, stand together and say NO. These rights are protected by domestic and international laws. Many of these laws were broken over the last 3 years. The governments knew they were breaking the laws, but because not enough people said NO, they continued with their abuse of people’s basic human rights.
The Nuremburg Code was written to assure all people of the world that we have fundamental human rights that could never be taken from us; and yet they were, by nearly every government in the world, since the announcement of the Covid 'pandemic'. Despite protests from hundreds of millions of people worldwide, most of which were not even reported by the mainstream media, these abuses of human rights continued.
If you speak to any ethical human rights lawyer anywhere in the world, they will confirm that countless country and international human rights laws were knowingly broken by governments and corporations over the last 3 years. This is now being evidenced by many court cases involving people who were arrested for breaches of various pandemic policies and mandates, now being 'thrown out' of court or charges being dismissed before going to court, because the authorities know full well that these rules were never legal or lawful to begin with.
If all people stand together to protect our God given human rights, harmful directives from governments will be withdrawn.
Form your own lobby and support groups and do whatever you can to help those who are speaking out with the truth, as your silence is a form of consent that the government uses to control you.
And remember, even if you are not affected now by a particular government directive, if you can see it is morally wrong, hurting people, or taking away their fundamental human rights, you must not comply; as the next direction from your government might hurt you and breach your rights. When that happens, you will want others to support you.
Don’t let the government think that you support unnecessary, immoral, or unethical policies that divide people and take away their human rights. Do not comply with such directives, show the government that you do not consent.