With the third anniversary of the Covid lockdowns and the amendments to the WHO International Health Regulations currently being proposed, PANDA organization has collated the video below (link also provided), of responses that the public provided to the WHO.
We cannot yet fully know the future impacts that will ensue due to the Covid pandemic response measures over the last 3 years, but the responses at the link and video below provide some insight into the suffering and devastation that has already been caused.
Further details of objections to the WHO's power grab is also contained in further Facts below, including details of an international group of lawyers who have joined forces to oppose the WHO's actions.
Link to: The Objectors - Voices from the WHO's Pandemic Preparedness Hearings
The long term impact of the vaccine injuries and deaths will likely be significant if governments and regulators around the world don’t start investigating the significant increase in excess deaths in highly vaccinated countries, and the huge number of ‘deaths from unknown causes’ that started to appear in 2021 (the year the C19 vaccine rollout commenced), to determine whether or not they are in fact being caused by the C19 vaccines, and then focusing their efforts on finding treatments and cures for those who have been injured.
The treatments and cures must be provided by independent, ethical doctors with no government bias or conflicts of interest. Our health systems have clearly failed us all over the last 3 years, so new systems and solutions directed and managed by ethical, experienced, capable medical experts, need to be established.
Based on the number of deaths and serious injuries from the vaccines reported in numerous government databases globally, many people, including members of parliaments around the world, are already labelling the Covid-19 vaccine rollouts as "Crimes Against Humanity". See video below of German EU MP Christine Anderson, speaking on this issue in the European Parliament.
Sadly, many of those who were injured by the vaccines, were coerced or pressured to take a vaccine that they did not want or need; in many cases with the threat of loss of their job and income if they did not. To date, we have only been able to find one apology from a government leader for this abuse of human rights (see video below).
Throughout the pandemic, tens of thousands of ethical, knowledgeable frontline doctors and nurses, as well as scientific experts, and concerned citizens, have formed organizations to help the vaccine injured.
Please see links below to some organizations who may be able to support you or your loved ones, if you are vaccine injured or concerned about the long-term effects of the vaccines. You will also find many support groups on social media platforms, and other medical groups in your country, as C19 vaccine injury is not rare.
Many countries also have vaccine injury compensation programs, so you should also check with your own government, to find out whether such a scheme exists in your country, as it may provide you with some financial support. Don't you think it is ironic that the very same governments who assured its people that the Covid vaccines were 'safe and effective'', have injury compensation programs in place? The very existence of such programs clearly shows that government regulators knew full well from the outset of the vaccination program, that the vaccines had the potential to cause injury and death.
As more and more evidence is being exposed in mainstream news channels, some are calling for 'amnesty' for those who committed the crimes that led to the death and injury of so many people, and the devastation of communities and economies around the world. But those who knew the truth from very early on in the pandemic because they WERE following the science, but were silenced, clearly say NO AMNESTY - we owe it to all humanity to ensure that we are NOT going to let them get away with it. Please see the video below narrated by Tess Lawrie from the World Council for Health.
Christine Anderson - German Member of European Parliament, speaking at the European Parliament
One Leader Apologises to People for Pandemic Policy Failures
NO AMNESTY ! Don't Let Them Get Away With It !