After viewing the information presented by Andrew Bridgen below on the effectiveness and risks of the Covid vaccines (which is consistent with government data in most other countries of the world), reading the other facts and information on this website, and undertaking your own investigations, you can draw your own conclusions as to whether you believe the vaccines are 'effective'.
Dr John Campbell: Speech by UK MP Andrew Bridgen in UK Parliament - March 2023
For 2 years the entire world population was told by their governments, mainstream media channels and high-profile celebrities, that we ALL needed to get vaccinated to stop the transmission of Covid-19. Perfectly healthy children, and young and middle-aged adults, all of whom were at either no risk, or an extremely low risk, of serious outcomes from contracting Covid 19, were told that they needed to get vaccinated for the sake of the elderly and those in our society who were vulnerable to serious outcomes.
Many people were not prepared to take the experimental gene therapies which were labelled as 'vaccines', as they were concerned that there had not been enough time for these new drugs to be adequately tested for safety and effectiveness (efficacy). Many people also understood, that for healthy people, their own natural immunity has always been the best defense against disease. Therefore, their personal health choice was not to take a new, experimental drug which could have either immediate, or long term, side effects that were not yet known.
Did anyone ask Granny whether she wanted her healthy children and grandchildren to risk unknown side effects of an experimental jab, in her name? Please see the video "This is how we treated Granny" in the link under Supporting Evidence and decide for yourself whether you think the pandemic measures were the best way to protect Granny.
But instead of allowing people to exercise their own medical freedom in democratic countries, government leaders and health regulators around the world led the cry for these people to be discriminated against, with extreme measures including 'vaccine passports' and 'vaccine mandates' that ensured the unvaccinated were in many cases excluded from society, unable to work, unable to travel and in many cases 'locked down' in their homes or government mandated quarantine facilities. Consequently, millions of people around the world lost their jobs, their homes, their families and their friends. And in poorer countries, many people literally starved to death as they were not able to leave their homes to get food.
Never forget that we were all told that these measures were necessary in order to exclude those people who chose not to take an experimental vaccine which our governments, media and celebrities ASSURED US would 'stop the spread' of Covid 19.
It became pretty obvious within weeks of the vaccine rollout that these drugs did NOT prevent people from catching or transmitting Covid-19, as the vaccinated population continued to contract Covid-19, in many cases multiple times. But instead of reviewing the measures taken to manage the pandemic, governments in democratic countries 'doubled down' on measures that clearly were not working, with a second shot, then a booster, then another booster and even more extreme measures, all in a desperate attempt to coerce everyone to take the new experimental drugs in order to 'stop the spread'.
Hundreds of millions of people worldwide protested, whilst a disproportionately high number of vaccinated people continued to fill up hospital wards, and yet instead of listening to the protestors and looking at the data and science that was available, governments became more forceful in their push to vaccinate the entire population, silencing world renowned scientists and doctors from all countries, who dared to speak out and raise any concerns about the risks and ineffectiveness of both the vaccines and the policies.
Furthermore, the worldwide cry from political leaders was that this was a 'pandemic of the unvaccinated', even though the data from government databases globally proved that this simply was not even close to being true. This new call from government leaders, further deepened the divide between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, breaking down families and communities even further.
In October 2022, a senior Pfizer executive finally admitted under question in the EU parliament, that Pfizer had not even tested the so-called Covid 19 'vaccine' for transmission of the virus. Please see various reports on this in the supporting evidence below. All government regulators who approved the Pfizer vaccine, knew that it had not been tested against stopping the spread of Covid 19, as this was clear from the trial data provided to the regulators prior to the emergency use approval of the new drugs in each country. So why did our governments and mainstream media blatantly lie to us, and discriminate against the unvaccinated based on this very big lie, a lie which destroyed millions of lives around the world?
An executive from AstraZeneca was also specifically questioned in EU parliament about whether their vaccine was tested to stop the transmission. They did not answer the question, but instead said that a paper published in the Lancet proved that the vaccines had saved 20 million lives. But an article in a journal doesn't prove anything. The data from governments, as well as Health and Life Insurance companies all over the world, do not provide any evidence that any lives were saved by the Covid-19 vaccines. Please watch the video below to form your own opinion as to whether the executive from Astra Zeneca was being truthful and transparent in her response to the EU MEP.
Please also read information outlined under other facts on this website for further details of why the vaccines did not protect the elderly and the vulnerable. The supporting evidence below also includes links to articles and videos that show various data and statistics in relation to the effectiveness of the Covid 19 'vaccines', to assist you in your own assessment of the effectiveness of these experimental products.
- Pfizer didn't even test to see if vaccine prevented transmission
- South Australian Senator questions Australian Chief Medical Officer on effectiveness of Pfizer vaccine, Paul Kelly Lied!
- AstraZeneca questioned by EU MEP on whether vaccine was tested for transmission
- This Is How We Treated Granny
This is how we treated Granny during the Pandemic